Available courses

Dr. Katherine Getao welcomes participants to the Basic IT Security Course.

The risks that information is exposed to, risk agents and the types of risks that can compromise confidentiality, integrity and availability of information is also discussed. Module 2 on ‘Protection against Security Threats’ outlines concepts in information security, reasons for having controls and different types of controls that can be employed. Module 3 on ‘Security Incidents’ outlines various methods applied for detecting, responding and preventing security incidents.

Course participants are expected to have basic ICT literacy skills and the desire to learn. Participants should have access to a computer, mobile phone or iPad and stable internet connectivity to pursue the course. On completion of the one month course, a certificate will be automatically generated after successfully completing the end of module assessment questions.


Welcome to this course on ‘Basic ICT Security’. This self-paced eLearning course aims at equipping Government of Kenya employees with basic knowledge, skills and abilities on operational issues of ICT security. On completion of the course, participants shall gain understanding of the tools and methodologies that could be employed to secure information from exposure to harm.

The course is divided into three modules. Module 1 on ‘Introduction to Information Security’ outlines the importance of information in our lives and that of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s). Additionally, the module outlines the reasons for securing vital information from harm


 Welcome to this course on ‘Basic ICT Security’. This self-paced eLearning course aims at equipping Government of Kenya employees with basic knowledge, skills and abilities on operational issues of ICT security. On completion of the course, participants shall gain understanding of the tools and methodologies that could be employed to secure information from exposure to harm.

The course is divided into three modules. Module 1 on ‘Introduction to Information Security’ outlines the importance of information in our lives and that of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s). Additionally, the module outlines the reasons for securing vital information from harm.

The Government of Kenya has embraced the use of ICT to modernize Government processes in order to improve effectiveness, efficiency, service delivery and promote democracy. In particular, the ICTA Strategic, e-Government pillar is designed to achieve better and efficient delivery of Government information and services to the citizens, promote productivity among public servants, encourage the participation of citizens in Government and empower all Kenyans in line with development priorities. It is therefore critical to the successful realization of e-Government in Kenya that all Kenyan citizens be ICT literate and gain proficiency in accessing government services and information using ICT. In line with Kenya's Vision 2030, Digital Economy blueprint that envisions Kenya's transformation into a knowledge economy, it is important to equip the general citizenry with the requisite skills to effectively participate in the information-driven and ICT Mediated Knowledge society.

To equip the general citizenry with the requisite skills and competencies required for an effective e-Government, a training curriculum targeted primarily at ALL Citizens has been developed with the objective of empowering the general public to effectively use ICT in accessing government services, in line with the ICT Authority strategy.

The Course is a foundational course that has been specifically designed to help you successfully use digital devices and technology to leverage the online opportunities available to you.

People with digital skills will use them to communicate, learn, interact with their communities, and build more promising futures. This course will help people learn the digital skills they need to participate in the digital economy and change their lives. Individuals, nonprofits, schools, and governments from all over the world use the course.

This course is aimed at building knowledge on ICT Network standards necessary for the acquisition and deployment of ICT networks products and services in order to enhance government service delivery. This course covers ICT Networks topics areas providing the learner with a solid foundation of understanding Government ICT Networks Standards. The course defines ICT Network standards.

This course focuses on the effective and efficient use of IT in enabling an organization to achieve its goal. The IT governance course focuses on the following key IT governance components: Enterprise Architecture, ICT governance, IT service management, legal & regulatory, IT Risk Management & Sourcing, re-sourcing of IT functions

The course offers a structured learning approach to helping IT practitioners develop the skills needed to deliver best practices and compliance in organizations.